Corby Yates a foncé tête baissée pour cette interviouve en listing à rallonges. Comme le disait ma grand’mère, on ne lui a pas fait dit deux fois. On est passionné ou on ne l’est pas…. Lui, il l’est.
Admirez tout de même sa belle constance : Robin Trower et T.S McPhee, sont les deux guitaristes qui sont les plus présents. Par contre, ce qui est assez insolite, c’est de voir apparaître le nom de Junior Kimbrough qui connote illico… Charlie “les plumes”, Charlie Fearthers. Illico.
Enfin, ce jeune homme, sait dire merci : témoin, ce message inclus dans sa niouzelèteur : “We have been lucky to have Ernie Ball/Music Man endorse us for over ten years now. I use their Sillhouette Special guitars for the power trio. Dudley Gimpel is the man behind all the different guitar designs for the company, and was the person that allowed the endorsement to happen”. Comme Kincaid, il me l’a prouvé.
Vous aurez beau me dire que “dire” merci c’est un sport national aux States, que ça fait aussi partie du bizness et du SAV, OK, je discute pas.
Mais ça fait toujours plaisir quand on le reçoit.
Des fois, on devrait prendre exemple sur certains jeunes.
Ouèche !
Professor BeeB HôPô
Les questions et les réponses, 2ème série…
17 – Your ten best songs ?
1. Bridge of Sighs – Robin Trower,
2. If I Had Possesion Over Judgement Day” – Robert Johnson,
3. Spanish Castle Magic – Jimi hendrix,
4. Garden – The Groundhogs,
5. Eccentric Man– The Groundhogs,
6. Day of the Eagle” – Robin Trower,
7. Hannah – Robin Trower,
8. Parchman Farm – Blue Cheer,
9. Dazed and Confuzed – Led Zeppelin,
10. I Don’t Live” Today – Jimi Hendrix
18 – Your ten best songwriters ?
1. T.S. McPhee,
2. Jimi Hendrix,
3. Robin Trower,
4. Junior Kimbrough,
5. Jimmy Page,
6. Willie Dixon,
7. Robert Johnson,
8. Son House,
9. Charlie Patton,
10. Bukka White
19 – Your ten best singers ?
1. James Dewar,
2. Jack Bruce,
3. Keith Relf,
4. T.S. McPhee,
5. R.L. Burnside,
6. Muddy Waters,
7. Howling Wolf,
8. Son House,
9. Charlie Patton,
10. Robert Johnson.
20 – Your favourite hobbies ?
Exploring inner space
21 – How did you learn music and learn guitar ?
I listened to and played music a whole lot.
22 – Your greatest musical influences ?
Jimi Hendrix, T.S. McPhee
23 – Four or five words to describe your personality ?
Antisocial and full of love
24 – The Blues is something very important for you and your music. Why ?
It seems to be the root of all music I’m interested in.
25) Whose the greatest band (except the Corby Yates Band) ?
The Groundhogs
26) Your greatest satisfaction (in career and/or life) ?
Everyday is my greatest satisfaction
27) If everything could be replay, what will you not doing again ?
I would do everything the same.
28) Your best masterwork in art (pictures, paintings, sculptures, etc.) ?
I love all of R. Crumbs art.
29) Do you endorsed Music Man ?
I am endorsed by Music Man
30) Specification of your guitars ?
I don’t kow the specs but I do know it feels great to play.
31) Are you planning to come in France ?
If yes, where end when ! It would be great to play in France but it is up to the club owners and concert promoters to make that happen.
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